Asad Ali1+--- Irfan Ahmed2--- Malik GulZaman3--- Rubaisha Kajal4--- Madiha Javed5

1,2Department of Statistics, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan

3Department of Statistics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan

4College of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, University of The Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan

5Department of Qualitative Method SBE, University of Management Technology, Lahore, Pakistan


Job and business are the social activities which subsist in every one’s life in one way or the other way. It is not a new phenomenon it is as old as the history of mankind itself. In this study, a questionnaire on comparison of life satisfaction considering job and business is developed on Likert scale which covers approximately all the aspects of job and business. For collecting opinions, Sargodha city was chosen and defined a sample of 384 respondents. Then respondents were selected with simple random sampling by whom questionnaires were filled. Overall results of this study depicts that respondents are in favor of job and feel more satisfaction in their life as compare to in business. All the work was done on Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software.

Keywords:Responsibility Employee Finance Experience Restrictions.

ARTICLE HISTORY: Received:9 May 2017, Revised:15 June 2017, Accepted:12 July 2017, Published:31 July 2017.

Contribution/ Originality:This study is one of very few studies which have investigated that whether people are satisfied in job or in business. For this study, respondents are selected from University of Sargodha, Pakistan. Results depict that people feel satisfied in job as compare to business.


A person’s job is their role in society. A job is an activity that often performed in exchange for payment. Job is actually a task or piece of work that an employee does for money. Now a day’s majority of people are doing jobs but they don’t know that they are actually worked for their boss not for themselves. Sometimes job provide a verity of tasks but sometimes employee have same work every day so he bored from that job.

1.1. Job

A group of homogeneous tasks related by similarity of functions. When performed by an employee in an exchange for pay, a job consists of duties, responsibilities, and tasks that are defined and specific, can be accomplished, quantified, measured, and rated. From a wider perspective, a job is synonymous with a role and includes the physical and social aspects of a work environment. Often, individuals identify themselves with their job or role (foreman, supervisor, engineer, etc.) and derive motivation from its uniqueness or usefulness.

1.2. Business

Business is an economic system or organization where goods and services are exchanged for money or for one another. Each business requires some form of investment and enough customers to whom its output can be sold on a consistent basis in order to earn profit. Business is owned by a person under whom many employees are working.

Business have more importance than job because an owner having a small or large level business earn money only for him because many employees worked under the company’s owner and of course only owner earn profit. A business, also known as an enterprise, agency or a firm, is an object involved in the provision of imports and/or facilities to consumers. Businesses are prevalent in industrialist economies, where most of them are privately owned and provide goods and services to customers in exchange for other goods, services, or money. Businesses may also be social not-for-profit enterprises or state-owned public enterprises targeted for specific social and economic objectives. A business owned by multiple individuals may be formed as an incorporated company or jointly organized as a partnership. Countries have different laws that may ascribe different rights to the various business entities. Business can refer to a particular organization or to an entire market sector, e.g. "the music business". Compound forms such as agribusiness represent subsets of the word's broader meaning, which encompasses all activity by suppliers of goods and services. The goal is for sales to be more than expenditures resulting in a profit.

1.3. Life Satisfaction

It depends on the nature of people that what type of work they want to do because every person differs from other and nature of people also. Some people feels satisfied while they have a JOB but some people feels satisfied when they owned a BUSINESS.


In Ybema (1996) examined effects of society among 172 sampling units who recently lost their jobs. By interviewing these units, they concluded that the persons who completed their target poorly were in more stress as compare to those who done their target well. By using Bivariate and correlational analysis, Vansteenkiste (2007) found that work value of an employee is related with less positive indicators (less satisfaction with, dedication to and vitality while on the job) and more negative indicators (higher emotional exhaustion, short-lived satisfaction after successful goal-attainment, and turn-over intention). Attar and Sweis (2010) explored the relation between information technology and employee job satisfaction in Jordan. By using descriptive and regression analysis they concluded that, as investment in information technology increases employee job satisfaction also increases. In Aziri (2011) reviewed many papers on job satisfaction and concluded that when you satisfy your employee then your business performs well because level of job satisfaction has an impact on productivity. Emami (2012) conducted a study on relationship between organizational learning culture, job satisfaction, and turnover intention, in Iran. Result of correlation analysis depict that, turnover had negative relation with organizational learning culture as well as job satisfaction.

Above literature review shows that job is very important for the lives of people. And many researches check the effects of different indicators on job satisfaction and also compare different indicators with it. Now, in this study we are going to check that people are more satisfied in job or in business.


By using Cochran formula (Bartlett et al., 2001) a set of 384 respondents (both teachers and students) has been selected as a simple random sample from the University of Sargodha. Primary data was collected by using questionnaire method from selected respondents. Likert scale (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree) was utilized to develop close end questions. All the descriptive statistics were measured by using software “SPSS” (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).


Figure 1 and 2 shows that, in this study 152 out of 384 respondents are18 to 25 years old age group, 96 from 26 to 33, 56 from 34 to 41, 31 from 42 to 49, 23 from 50 to 57, 17 from 58 to 65 and remaining 9 are above 65. From these 384 respondents, 262 are male and remaining are female.

Figure-1. Age Groups Analysis

Source: Generated in MS Excel 2013 by using Questionnaire Data

Figure-2. Gender Analysis

Source: Generated in MS Excel 2013 by using Questionnaire Data

Table-1. Age Wise Analysis

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
    1 Job is secure than business
    Age   18-25 31 46 35 17 23
26-33 21 32 17 6 20
34-41 13 11 10 13 9
42-49 4 10 9 5 3
50-57 4 8 1 6 4
58-65 4 4 4 2 3
65 Above 2 2 1 3 1
    2 Hours of operation are fixed in job as compared to business
    Age 18-25 31 56 27 20 18
26-33 15 38 24 10 9
34-41 12 18 13 8 5
42-49 5 11 10 1 4
50-57 3 8 5 4 3
58-65 3 6 4 3 1
65 Above 1 6 1 1 0
    3 In job you don’t have as much responsibility as your employer has
    Age   18-25 22 33 36 40 21
26-33 19 27 20 19 11
34-41 7 15 11 16 7
42-49 2 7 10 8 4
50-57 4 8 3 4 4
58-65 3 4 3 4 3
65 Above 0 2 3 1 3
    4 In job you don’t need to take care of finance
    Age   18-25 28 29 30 39 26
26-33 15 22 26 23 10
34-41 12 10 10 20 4
42-49 5 6 11 6 3
50-57 5 4 3 8 3
58-65 3 4 4 2 4
65 Above 0 2 2 2 3
    5 Experience taken from business is more diverse than job
    Age 18-25 21 53 36 23 19
26-33 19 27 21 15 14
34-41 13 17 9 10 7
42-49 7 10 8 2 4
50-57 4 8 4 4 3
58-65 5 5 3 3 1
65 Above 1 0 4 3 1
    6 Business minded people have broaden horizon
    Age   18-25 38 50 31 18 15
26-33 22 21 28 14 11
34-41 14 14 13 9 6
42-49 5 6 9 7 4
50-57 2 13 3 3 2
58-65 3 4 3 4 3
65 Above 4 1 1 1 2
7 In business you don’t have any restrictions
Age 18-25 37 42 40 25 15
26-33 17 22 24 23 11
34-41 15 17 9 11 6
42-49 6 10 4 7 4
50-57 5 8 4 1 2
58-65 2 8 3 3 3
65 Above 3 2 3 0 2
8 In job you don’t have right to take all the decisions
Age 18-25 43 38 25 27 19
26-33 22 26 17 17 14
34-41 12 18 8 12 6
42-49 4 10 7 5 5
50-57 7 6 3 6 1
58-65 4 8 2 2 1
65 Above 2 2 0 2 3
9 Risk of loss is higher in business
Age 18-25 37 44 24 32 15
26-33 26 25 19 17 9
34-41 15 13 17 6 5
42-49 6 10 5 4 6
50-57 5 9 4 4 1
58-65 5 4 3 4 1
65 Above 2 2 1 1 3
10 In business you need to take care of all employment retention plans
Age 18-25 33 49 35 24 11
26-33 24 21 24 13 14
34-41 12 19 10 9 6
42-49 9 6 6 5 5
50-57 8 8 3 3 1
58-65 4 1 4 1 7
65 Above 0 4 3 1 1

Source: Generated in SPSS 21 by using Questionnaire Data

In Table 1, response of each sampling unit with respect to age is represented. Response is arranged according to age groups 18-25, 26-33, 34-41, 42-49, 50-57, 58-65, and above 65 years old. Results reveals that out of 384 respondents, 31 respondents of age group 18-25 are strongly agreed with the statement “job is secure than business”. From other age groups 21,13,4,4,4,2 respondents have same opinion respectively. While 46, 32, 11, 10, 8, 4 and 2 respondents of following age groups agreed with the statement respectively. For statement “Hours of operation are fixed in job as compared to business” 31 participants from group of 18-25 age, 15 from 26-33, 12 from 34-41, 5 from 42-49, 3 from 50-57, 3 from 58-65, and 1 participant from above 65 are strongly agreed and from corresponding all age groups 56, 38, 18, 11, 8, 6 and 6 participants are agreed respectively. Furthermore, from all age groups respondents vote for strongly agree are 22, 19, 7, 2, 4, 3, and 0 respectively about the statement “In job you don’t have as much responsibility as your employer has”. On the other hand, 33, 27, 15, 7, 8, 4 and 2 participants vote for agree respectively. However, 28 respondents said strongly agree and 29 respondents said agree from 18-25 age group, 15 said strongly agree and 22 said agree from age group 26-33, while, from group of age 34-41, 12 respondents said strongly agree and 10 said agree, likewise, 5 said strongly agree and 6 said agree from 42-49 age group, 5 respondents said strongly agree and 4 said agree from 50-57 age group, from 58-65 years old age group, 3 said strongly agree and 4 said agree, no respondent said strongly agree but 2 said agree from 65 above age group for the statement “In job you don’t need to take care of finance”. When it is asked from participants that “Experience taken from business is more diverse than job” 21 participants are strongly agree and 53 are agree from age group 18-25, while 19 said strongly agree and 27 said agree from 26-33 age group, from age group 34-41 13 are strongly agree and 17 are agree, from age group 42-49 7 are strongly agree and 10 are agree, furthermore, 4 participants vote for strongly agree and 8 for agree from 50-57 age group, from 58-65 age group 5 are strongly agree and 5 are agree, from above 65 years old 1 participant strongly agree and no one agree. About the statement “Business minded people have broaden horizon” 38, 22, 14, 5, 2, 3 and 4 participants said strongly agree while, 50, 21, 14, 6, 13, 4, and 1 participants said agree from corresponding age groups respectively. On the same line, 37 participants from 18-25 years old age group, 17 from 26-33, 15 from 34-41, 6 from 42-49, 5 from 50-57, 2 from 58-65 and 3 from above 65 age group said strongly agree and on the other hand, 42, 22, 17, 10, 8, 8 and 2 said agree from respective age groups about the statement “In business you don’t have any restrictions”. About the statement “In job you don’t have right to take all the decisions” 43 respondents said strongly agree and 38 said agree from age group 18-25, 22 said strongly agree and 26 are agree from age group 26-33, 12 vote for strongly agree and 18 for agree from age group 34-41, 4 said strongly agree and 10 said agree from age group 42-49, from 50-57 age group 7 vote for strongly agree and 6 vote for agree, 4 are strongly agree and 8 are agree from the age group 58-65, 2 participants said strongly agree and 2 said agree from above 65 age group. From corresponding age groups 37, 26, 15, 6, 5, 5, 2 said strongly agree and 44, 25, 13, 10, 9, 4, 2 said agree for the statement “Risk of loss is higher in business” respectively. On the same line, 33 respondents said strongly agree and 49 agree with the statement “In business you need to take care of all employment retention plans” from the age group of 18-25, 24 respondents said strongly agree and 21 said agree from age group of 26-33, 12 said strongly agree and 19 said agree from age group of 34-41, 9 said strongly agree and 6 said agree from age group of 42-49, 8 participants vote for strongly agree and 8 for agree from age group 50-57, 4 said strongly agree and one said agree from age group 58-65, while from age group of above 65 no one said strongly agree but 4 said agree for the statement under consideration.

Table-2. Gender Wise Analysis

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
  1 Job is secure than business
Gender Male 55 77 52 36 42
Female 24 36 25 16 21
  2 Hours of operation are fixed in job as compared to business
Gender Male 42 95 68 34 23
Female 28 48 16 13 17
3 In job you don’t have as much responsibility as your employer has
Gender Male 38 70 58 61 35
Female 19 26 28 31 18
4 In job you don’t need to take care of finance
Gender Male 52 55 64 61 30
Female 16 22 22 39 23
5 Experience taken from business is more diverse than job
Gender Male 47 84 57 38 36
Female 23 36 28 22 13
6 Business minded people have broaden horizon
Gender Male 59 65 65 43 30
Female 29 44 23 13 13
  7 In business you don’t have any restrictions
  Gender Male 54 78 56 50 24
Female 31 31 31 20 9
  8 In job you don’t have right to take all the decisions
  Gender Male 55 67 46 54 40
Female 39 41 16 17 9
  9 Risk of loss is higher in business
  Gender Male 62 78 51 46 25
Female 34 29 22 22 15
10 In business you need to take care of all employment retention plans
  Gender Male 51 68 66 40 37
Female 39 40 19 16 8

Source: Generated in SPSS 21 by using Questionnaire Data

Table 2 represents the responses of each sampling unit with respect to gender. Results reveals that out of 384 respondents, 55 male participants and 24 female participants vote for strongly agree, while 77 male participants and 36 female participants vote for agree for the statement “job is secure than business”. For the statement “Hours of operation are fixed in job as compared to business” 42 male respondents and 28 female respondents said strongly agree, while 95 male participants and 48 female participants said agree. Furthermore, 38 males and 19 female participants said strongly agree and 70 male participants and 26 female participants said agree for the statement “In job you don’t have as much responsibility as your employer has”. Likewise, 52 male participants vote for strongly agree and 55 vote for agree, on the other hand, 16 female participants said strongly agree and 22 said agree for the statement “In job you don’t need to take care of finance”. About the statement “Experience taken from business is more diverse than job” 47 and 84 male participants said strongly agree and agree respectively, while 23 and 36 female participants said strongly agree and agree respectively. Furthermore, 59 male participants and 29 female participants vote for strongly agree, on the other hand 65 male participants and 44 female participants vote for agree about statement “Business minded people have broaden horizon”. For the statement “In business you don’t have any restrictions” 54 male respondents said strongly agree and 31 male respondents said agree, while 78 and 31 female respondents said strongly agree and agree respectively. 55 males and 39 female participants strongly agreed, likewise, 67 males and 41 female participants said agree about the statement “In job you don’t have right to take all the decisions”. 62 male respondents said strongly agree and 78 male respondents said agree, 34 female respondents said strongly agree and 29 female respondents said agree about “Risk of loss is higher in business”. For the statement “In business you need to take care of all employment retention plans” 51 male respondents and 39 female respondents said strongly agree, while 68 male respondents and 40 female participants said agree.


In this study, life satisfaction of people with respect to job and business is quantified. For this purpose, sample is selected from University of Sargodha including teachers as well as students. By using bivariate analysis, responses are arranged according to age and gender. In age wise analysis, results reveals that people of all age groups mostly prefer job as compare to business whether it is about secure life, hour of operation, responsibilities, restrictions, decision making, or risk of loss. Results of gender wise analysis also showed that, both male and female prefer job rather than their own business. So, overall results of this study depicts that respondents are in favor of job and feel more satisfaction in their life as compare to in business.

Funding: This study received no specific financial support.
Competing Interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Contributors/Acknowledgement: All authors contributed equally to the conception and design of the study.


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